Runyon Canyon
I've been to Runyon Canyon numerous times. I actually went here on a date a few years ago thinking that, miraculously, G-d might shine down upon me and close up my sweat glands for a couple of hours, making me look carefree and sexy on this daytime excursion (note to self: not gonna happen). I roll up in workout gear while home skillet rocks some everyday wear. Whaddya know, I'm sweating balls at the end of the trail while my date looks like he never stepped foot on the path. Awesome. From that point on, I learned to only workout with people who are aware of my pulling the small stick in the sweat gene pool (if you know my cousin Eric, he got screwed too...lucky us).
Nestled in the Hollywood Hills (Fuller and Franklin), Runyon is the place to see and be seen. When you first enter this path, free yoga classes take place on the lawn to the left. You'll see a bit of a fork in the road straight ahead: the right side leads you up numerous stairs to the viewpoint, where the left leads you up the main path and branches off to more difficult trails. I often take the path most traveled, which is a nice balance of uphill and flat territory, followed by a steep incline to the finish. I start at the foot of Fuller, although I believe there is a parking lot at the top of the main path (close to Mulholland) where many people park. I'm just more fond of starting from the bottom (street parking only), working my way to the top, then turning around and saving the downhill for last. If you so choose, you can try one of the alternate paths. One of these paths, which I call the "Death Trail," is more than intense. Don't brave this if you're not in good shape. It's narrow, steep, and dusty, although well worth it if you can handle the challenge. The first time I tried this Death Trail - which can be found a few steps into the main trail - I was about to rip my friend's head off (love you, Mara); although when I tried it about two years later, after many months of intense workouts, I ended up enjoying a hike I never thought I'd brave again. I also wore my Keen Israeli hiking shoes the second time around, reducing my fear of slipping and falling on my ass. Runyon has unbelievable views of Los Angeles and you trek alongside the Hollywood sign. It's a great hike to try if you're new to town or simply want to test your legs on some pretty cool territory. Wear sunscreen because there's little shade and your white ass will get burnt. Oh, and bring your bitches. All I ask is that you pick up their dookie because it stinks out there!
Pros: Amazing views; multiple paths; great rest stop w/views mid-hike; celebrity sightings
Cons: Crowded; difficult to park; smells like dog crap (ew)
Fryman Canyon
I have numerous friends who hike Fryman Canyon, although I had yet to try it myself. Today was my day. After an intense workout class, I dragged my ass to meet one of my good friends for a mid-day hike at Fryman. Fryman is just off of Laurel Canyon at Fryman (go figure), with options to park either in the lot ($3) or on the street (free). This path is waaay less crowded than Runyon and there is actually shade. It's much more challenging at first, where Runyon whoops your ass at the end. Be prepared for many steep twists and turns, followed by a plateau and then the downhill portion. My girl and I decided to run from the plateau on, upping the cardio and proving how bad ass we truly are (we teachers know how to motivate!). When you exit the path and hit the streets, you happen upon some gorgeous houses, one of which is occupied by the smokin' hot George Clooney.
"Dear Economy,
Can you please pick yourself the hell up off the ground so I can get a steady job and move next to Fryman Canyon? Oh, and while you're at it, please send me a nice, mature, smart, attractive man who can share the bills [and bed] with me, because there's only so much an elementary school teacher can afford.
These homes are so beautiful, surrounded by lush greenery, with driveways that go on for days. There wasn't anything to turn me off about Fryman. Definitely a great first experience.
Pros: Not crowded; shade; challenging main path; great views; beautiful houses; ample parking
Cons: A bit tricky to find your way back to Laurel on the latter half of the trail (if Rosanne wasn't with me, I would have Google Mapped myself on my joke)
These are both great hikes to explore, especially if you're looking for something new to do in LA and a fun way to change up your cardio routine. Both are in great locations, convenient to the city and the valley, surrounded by tons of scrumptious eateries to replace those calories you just burned. As the weather gets warmer and bathing suit season rears its ugly head, I will definitely be taking advantage of these two LA faves. Oh, and I always love company, so if you are planning to take a long walk off a short cliff...I mean a hike, hit a sista up!
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