In my last entry, I don't think I did my trainer, Tracie Hendricks, enough justice with one shout out....apparently, neither did she. Before her nod of disapproval of my sharing that I had brown rice with dinner, she pulled me aside and told me that she didn't like how food stole her Lean Mean Fighting Machine spotlight. I explained to her that the Hip Chick blogs about food; although, now that I have her in my life, she thought I should put more emphasis on physical activities - not just food - in LA...
...and, since I love her and she is transforming my body into steel, I agreed.
As I've mentioned time and time again, I workout a lot. For those of you that go to the gym, run, hike, do yoga, yadda yadda yadda, you know there comes a point in the workout where you just have to stop; it becomes too hard. Let me tell you a little something about Tracie. The first time I trained with her, I almost puked. After 150 side/leg lifts at the end of our hour-long workout, I had to run upstairs and stick my head in the toilet. No, I didn't hurl, although I came pretty damn close. Tracie pushes me to the point of no return. In addition to reminding me to relax my face, stick in my tongue, and contract my abs, she constantly tells me that training my body is so beneficial, and she works with my strengths and challenges me in ways I never thought possible. She is very realistic, keeping the mindset that she trains her clients so she can one day set them free, applying the knowledge she has given them after the trainer/client relationship comes to an end.
Even though some may look at me and think I'm crazy for hiring a personal trainer, this is something that I am doing for my own well-being, happiness and health. Tracie teaches me to honor, worship, and listen to my body, strengthening and maintaining its health for years and years to come. She lets me take breaks but never lets me quit.
And the relationship doesn't stop when our time together is up. Tracie is always texting me, asking how I feel after a workout. She also makes me feel a bit crappy over text, telling me that if I don't feel sore after a workout then I'm just cheating myself. Tough love? I think so. And it sure as shit works. If I'm out at a restaurant and can't decide what to eat, I can shoot her a text and ask for her advice. Despite her favoritism of healthy, protein-packed meals, Tracie doesn't believe in depriving oneself of deliciously unhealthy treats; she'll just push you that much harder the next time you meet. Another benefit to working with Tracie? You get to experience her classes at Equinox where, I believe, all the beautiful people go. This morning I saw Janice Dickinson, her barely legal boyfriend, and Jackie from "Work Out."
The best thing about Tracie? She always puts a smile on my face. Whether she's yelling, "Oh Challah!" (yes, that spelling is correct) to the passing cars or laughing at me for wearing pigtails and running like a five-year old girl, she reminds me that this personal training is something that will only help me in the long run. She has also blessed me with the mantra, "Hair down, boobs up," reinforcing the fact that looking good at the gym and putting a little mascara on the eyes never hurt anyone. Personal training and improved self confidence go hand-in-hand.
Next week we're upping the ante with hikes at Fryman and...eek...running. Will I survive the intensity and be able to blog again? Only time will tell.
Again, if you want to link up with Tracie, feel free to contact me directly.